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Podcast K44




  • Forte calo dei noli container a metà marzo 2025

    Forte calo dei noli container a metà marzo 2025

    Il World Container Index diffuso il 13 marzo 2025 da Drewry mostra un forte calo dei noli spot dl trasporto marittimo dei container, con una punta dell’11% tra Shanghai e Genova. Resistono solo le rotte transatlantiche.


  • Due nuovi hub per l’autotrasporto Tir in Cina

    Due nuovi hub per l’autotrasporto Tir in Cina

    A marzo 2024 la Cina ha aperto due hub per l’autotrasporto internazionale che viaggia in regime Tir. Ora questi impianti sono sei, per rendere più semplice e rapido l’autotrasporto in importazione ed esportazione.

    Eurogate trials autonomous terminal at Wilhelmshaven

    Immagine: Eurogate

    In 2025, the German logistics giant Eurogate will implement autonomous yard tractors at its container terminal in Wilhelmshaven, Germany. The project, initially experimental, will commence with a six-month pilot phase to evaluate the safety and reliability of autonomous vehicles in the complex and dynamic terminal environment. The trial aims to assess the system's performance in critical areas such as simulated ASC stack management, quayside cranes, and the rail terminal. The findings are expected to provide valuable insights for the future of automation across Eurogate’s terminals.

    For this trial, Eurogate has selected Mafi T-series yard tractors, outfitted with a Level 4 AV kit developed by Embotech and integrated via ICT Group’s SmartEcs system. This advanced kit enables the vehicles to navigate high-complexity environments, characterised by mixed traffic, obstacles, and varying weather conditions. Key features of the system include the ability to perform reverse manoeuvres with an accuracy of up to five centimetres and obstacle detection, ensuring smoother and safer operations. The technology, which has already proven successful in land-based operations at the Port of Rotterdam, will now be extended to waterside activities, enabling seamless integration with quayside cranes.

    A pivotal aspect of the project is the integration between Embotech’s Profleet fleet management system and ICT Group’s SmartEcs equipment control system. This real-time data exchange enhances coordination between autonomous tractors and terminal operations, paving the way for greater efficiency. “Introducing our technology to waterside operations opens up new opportunities for efficient container management,” said Andreas Kyrtatos, CEO of Embotech. “Unlike AGVs, our solution does not require segregated areas, allowing for the smooth movement of containers throughout the terminal.” Mafi CEO Roland Hartwig highlighted that, “all key functions of the terminal tractor can be externally controlled via a specially developed drive-by-wire interface. This ensures complete control and safe operation in all conditions.” The interface was developed in collaboration with Arnold NextG.

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Videocast K44


  • Il crollo dei noli aerei Cina-Usa è un segnale di crisi?

    Il crollo dei noli aerei Cina-Usa è un segnale di crisi?

    Xeneta rileva che a febbraio 2025 le tariffe spot del trasporto aereo delle merci tra Cina e Stati uniti hanno subito un tracollo. Potrebbe essere un segnale dell’impatto delle tensioni causate dalla guerra commerciale scatenata da Trump.


Nuovo cobot per l’intralogistica di piccole e medie imprese


Nuovo cobot per l’intralogistica di piccole e medie imprese
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Inizia la guerra dei dazi tra Usa e Unione Europea


Inizia la guerra dei dazi tra Usa e Unione Europea
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Scania cresce nelle batterie per camion elettrici


Scania cresce nelle batterie per camion elettrici
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Profilazione automatica dei container contro i ciberattacchi


Profilazione automatica dei container contro i ciberattacchi
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