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Podcast K44




  • Forte calo dei noli container a metà marzo 2025

    Forte calo dei noli container a metà marzo 2025

    Il World Container Index diffuso il 13 marzo 2025 da Drewry mostra un forte calo dei noli spot dl trasporto marittimo dei container, con una punta dell’11% tra Shanghai e Genova. Resistono solo le rotte transatlantiche.


  • Due nuovi hub per l’autotrasporto Tir in Cina

    Due nuovi hub per l’autotrasporto Tir in Cina

    A marzo 2024 la Cina ha aperto due hub per l’autotrasporto internazionale che viaggia in regime Tir. Ora questi impianti sono sei, per rendere più semplice e rapido l’autotrasporto in importazione ed esportazione.

    First Italian freight transport insured with e-CMR

    The partnership between Revo Insurance, Accudire, and Assilog enabled the launch of the first Italian freight transport insured through the e-CMR. The operation was carried out in collaboration with a major international luxury eyewear company and Ormesani, a logistics and shipping company with over 40 years of experience. The use of blockchain technology ensured data integrity and security while drastically reducing handling times, marking a groundbreaking advancement for the entire sector.

    This pilot shipment involved a road transport from a warehouse in Padua to Vienna. The fully digital management, from the generation of the consignment note to the real-time issuance of the insurance certificate, was made possible by the interoperability between Accudire and Revo’s blockchain-based platforms. This synergy significantly reduced the time required for policy issuance compared to traditional methods.

    According to Gabriele Galanti, Head of Marine at Revo Insurance, this type of policy allows for a significant reduction in operational costs for all parties involved, while speeding up processes. Accudire’s CEO, Abramo Vincenzi, highlighted the importance of this innovation for the logistics sector: "The pilot shipment represents a crucial step toward interoperability and the digitalization of the logistics and insurance supply chain. This is the first case in Italy and Europe of a fully real-time document exchange, leveraging interconnected digital platforms based on blockchain. This innovation offers a tremendous opportunity for the logistics sector, improving security and profitability in transport operations."

    The project stems from the recent European and Italian regulatory framework, particularly EU Regulation 2020/1056 and Italian Law No. 37/2024. As of September 26, 2024, the Additional Protocol to the Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road will officially come into effect in Italy.

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Videocast K44


  • Il crollo dei noli aerei Cina-Usa è un segnale di crisi?

    Il crollo dei noli aerei Cina-Usa è un segnale di crisi?

    Xeneta rileva che a febbraio 2025 le tariffe spot del trasporto aereo delle merci tra Cina e Stati uniti hanno subito un tracollo. Potrebbe essere un segnale dell’impatto delle tensioni causate dalla guerra commerciale scatenata da Trump.


Nuovo cobot per l’intralogistica di piccole e medie imprese


Nuovo cobot per l’intralogistica di piccole e medie imprese
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Inizia la guerra dei dazi tra Usa e Unione Europea


Inizia la guerra dei dazi tra Usa e Unione Europea
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Scania cresce nelle batterie per camion elettrici


Scania cresce nelle batterie per camion elettrici
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Profilazione automatica dei container contro i ciberattacchi


Profilazione automatica dei container contro i ciberattacchi
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