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Podcast K44





  • Cronotachigrafo smart 2 non è obbligatorio per extraUE

    Cronotachigrafo smart 2 non è obbligatorio per extraUE

    La direzione DG Move della Commissione Europea ha risposto a un quesito dell’associazione rumena degli autotrasportatori Untrr sull’obbligo di aggiornare il cronotachigrafo digitale smart alla seconda generazione nel caso di autotrasporti da e per Paesi extracomunitari. La risposta è negativa, anche se l’ultima parola spetta alla Corte di Giustizia Europea.

    Worldwide Flight Services opens fifth terminal in Madrid

    Foto: WFS

    Worldwide Flight Services, a member of the Sats group, has inaugurated its fifth cargo terminal at Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas Airport, boosting its cargo handling capacity by 60%. With this new addition, the total area of WFS's cargo facilities in Madrid now spans 17,000 square meters, supporting the growing volumes of its client base of 65 airlines and providing new opportunities for expansion. Over the past twelve months, WFS has renewed cargo contracts in Madrid with clients such as Air China, Air Europa, Etihad Airways, Pegasus, Turkish Airlines, and World2Fly, and has signed new agreements with CMA CGM and TAAG Angola Airlines.

    In support of its long-term commitment to the airport and the airline community, WFS has signed a 30-year lease for the new building, which is situated on a 12,500-square-meter area with 6,500 square meters of warehouse space connected to the airport runway. The building offers WFS and its clients 17 landside truck docks and two dedicated BUP bays with bypass capability; two lanes and pallet bays; four airside truck docks with 20-foot ULD handling capacity; temperature-controlled cells from 2-8° and 15-25° for pharmaceutical and perishable shipments, supported by WFS's GDP certification in Madrid; four integrated lowerable workstations with scales and three scales for loose cargo; dedicated areas for special cargo such as DGS, VUN, HUM, PIL, and AVI; and 24/7 video surveillance.

    The new building is located next to the main cargo parking area and close to Terminals 4 and 4S, reducing cargo transport times. It has also been designed to support WFS's commitment to sustainability and digitalization. The facility is fully powered by renewable energy, providing LED lighting, warehouse climate control, and electric battery chargers for cars and warehouse GSE. Autonomous guided vehicles will be introduced in the second half of 2024. The facility utilizes Cargospot mobile warehouse technology and the CargoKiosk digital system to automate and expedite truck processing times.

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Videocast K44


  • Stabile il cargo aereo nella prima settimana di marzo 2025

    Stabile il cargo aereo nella prima settimana di marzo 2025

    Le rilevazioni settimanali di WorldAcd sul trasporto aereo delle merci mostrano nella prima settimana di marzo 2025 una sostanziale stabilità dei volumi e un aumento delle tariffe. Ma ci sono differenze tra le varie aree del mondo.


Nuovo tablet di Webfleet dedicato all’autotrasporto


Nuovo tablet di Webfleet dedicato all’autotrasporto
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Inizia la guerra dei dazi tra Usa e Unione Europea


Inizia la guerra dei dazi tra Usa e Unione Europea
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Il Governo aumenta l’accisa sul gasolio


Il Governo aumenta l’accisa sul gasolio
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Profilazione automatica dei container contro i ciberattacchi


Profilazione automatica dei container contro i ciberattacchi
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