In July 2024, Hyster introduced a groundbreaking new order picker-pallet truck, dubbed "two-in-one," which merges the functions of a low-level order picker and a rider pallet truck. This innovative equipment allows for seamless operations in both order picking and direct loading onto trucks, enhancing operational efficiency and reducing costs by eliminating the need to switch equipment. Hyster emphasizes that its robust design makes it suitable for the most demanding industrial environments.
Named the LO2.0-3.0P, the new Hyster order picker-pallet truck features a durable chassis and a steel battery cover. It has a lifting capacity of up to three tons and boasts an improved operator station designed for efficient handling operations. Its high ground clearance allows for use on ramps. Additional features include the Intelligent Lift function, which enables operators to lift and maneuver loads before reaching the maximum lift height, various fork lengths and heights, and the Hyster Tracker telematics system.
Monica Radavelli, Hyster's Product Manager, explains, "The truck's design includes a spacious platform, optimal visibility, an easy-to-use tiller head, and adjustable scooter control that allows operators to customize the position of the driving controls based on their height. Furthermore, integrated lights, ergonomic handles with auxiliary lift/lower buttons, and different driving modes enhance the operator's experience."