On October 9, 2024, the Central Committee for the Italian National Register of Road Hauliers (Albo Nazionale dell’Autotrasporto) approved the call for co-financing projects aimed at the construction or improvement of secure and protected rest areas for road freight vehicles in Italy, in compliance with EU Regulations 2006/561 and 2022/1012.
The total financial allocation for the call is 12,149,000 euros, which will be divided between two funding lines: the Med Line and the Core Line. The distinction is based on the geographical location of the rest areas, with the Med Line focusing on projects located in specific areas of Southern Italy and the Core Line funding projects in core or extended core network areas not covered by the Med Line.
The co-financing available for each individual project or enhancement is 30% of the total cost of the project, with a maximum limit of one million euros. In any case, the amount of the grant cannot exceed the difference between eligible costs and the operating result of the investment, as stipulated by EU Regulation No. 651/2014.
Regarding the Med Line, eligible projects are those situated along specific routes, including: in Calabria along the Mediterranean Highway (A2); in Campania, in the southern part of the region, along the same A2 route; in Lazio, along the Autostrada del Sole (A1), between the areas of Colleferro and Marcianise; in Basilicata, along the Bari-Potenza-Salerno route; along the A1 between Lazio, Umbria, and Tuscany; along the Adriatica A14 between Marche and Emilia-Romagna; and in Liguria, along the Autostrada dei Fiori (A10).
The Core Line, on the other hand, concerns projects in core or extended core network areas not covered by the Med Line. Eligible types of interventions include: the construction of new rest and parking areas at least at the Bronze level according to Esporg classification, on currently free or uncertified areas; the enhancement of existing areas to achieve a higher level in the Esporg classification; and the enhancement of existing areas to maintain the same Esporg classification level with the addition of at least thirty parking spaces.
Interested parties must indicate, at the time of submitting their application, the funding line they wish to apply for and the type of intervention they are proposing. Subsequently, an evaluation committee will examine the applications and publish a ranking list with the fundable amounts. All communications regarding the procedure will be published on the official website of the National Register of Road Hauliers.