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Podcast K44





    Interview | A truck driver recruited 6,000 km away from the European Union

    Illustrazione: TrasportoEuropa

    The year 2024 was marked by multiple driver protests across the European Union. From the Agmaz case to the individual strike of a Hoptrans driver, from the exploitation conviction against Hegelmann to the confiscations at Dutch firm Trucks Banden Koning, not forgetting the "Trucktuttonero" tour organised by the Italian UGL union and the Willy Association to raise awareness about the real working conditions of industrial vehicle drivers. To better understand the situation, we sought insights from a driver recruited far from the EU who now navigates roads across the continent.

    To protect his identity and prevent any issues or retaliation, we have guaranteed anonymity in publishing his statements. For the same reason, we will not disclose his precise country of origin or the name of his employer. The interview took place on the morning of Saturday, 4 January 2025, while the driver was in Central Europe, parked at a rest area waiting for the end of the weekend traffic ban for heavy vehicles.

    Where are you right now?

    I’m at a rest area. I’ll be here until Tuesday morning, when the ban ends. It’s going to be a long weekend.

    What will you do during this time?

    Nothing. I’ll just wait. It’s 12 noon, and I’ve only just woken up—I arrived here last night. There are other drivers around, but I don’t know anyone, and no colleagues from my company are here. I’m just waiting until I can start driving again.

    How long have you been in your truck?

    I started driving in June 2024, and I haven’t stopped since. I cook and eat here. The rest area I’m at now is well-equipped, with showers and decent facilities. But it’s a tough life—you miss home. Home is home, and my wife and son are waiting for me there.

    Don’t you have any days off or holidays?

    My days off are the gaps between deliveries. I rest when I finish my driving hours or during traffic bans, like now. I don’t have a specific place to rest—I stop when necessary, always somewhere different. Stops aren’t planned; you just pull over when you need to. Wherever you are, you stop and rest. My rest is here in the truck. When I worked in my own country, I could return to my family much more often. Now, this is where I spend my free time.

    How did you come to Europe? Were you recruited by an agency?

    Yes, a friend put me in touch with an agency. I initially communicated with a woman, just over WhatsApp. They explained that drivers were needed in Europe and that the working conditions were very good. They didn’t ask for any money, and I didn’t pay the agency. I only paid for my visa and the necessary documents to work in Europe. I also covered the cost of the flight. I started speaking with the agency in December 2023, and it took a few months before I could travel. The agency gave me a specific date by which I needed to be ready, so I arranged my flight. I arrived in Poland, where I was supposed to work, but plans changed, and I was sent to Lithuania. Once there, I spent a month at the company’s office waiting for all the necessary documents, my tachograph card, and permits.

    Were you informed about the salary you would earn in Europe?

    Yes, they said the conditions were excellent. I was told I’d work alongside a professional driver for a month during training and earn €45 per day during that period. Starting from the second month, the pay would increase to €75 per day, and after three months, it was supposed to reach €85 per day.

    Were these promises fulfilled?

    No. First of all, there was no training period. I arrived in Europe with a group of ten other drivers, all recruited the same way. We weren’t paired with experienced drivers; instead, we were split into groups of two and assigned five trucks. None of us had any experience driving in Europe, and some didn’t even speak English. They handed us the keys and sent us on our way. It wasn’t easy—the roads here are very different from those in my country. Additionally, my salary never reached €85 or even €75 per day. On average, I’m paid €65 per driving day, but it varies each month. At the end of the month, I usually earn around €1,200.

    Have you or your colleagues ever asked the company for explanations?

    Yes, but the managers never respond. There’s always an excuse. Sometimes they say the payroll clerk is too busy; other times, she’s on holiday. We’re told everything will be settled in person at the office, but we don’t go there often.

    Was everything settled when you visited the office?

    No. I’ve only been to the office once, and they didn’t pay me everything I was owed. About €800 is still missing. According to them, everything is fine, and I don’t think I’ll ever see that money.

    Marco Martinelli

    © TrasportoEuropa - Riproduzione riservata - Foto di repertorio
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