In July 2024, the Central Committee of the National Register of Truckers announced on its website the call for applications for co-financing safe and secure truck parking areas in Italy. This initiative aims to encourage the creation and upgrading of parking facilities for industrial vehicles. The Committee has allocated a total financial endowment of approximately twelve million euros, divided into two distinct funding lines based on the geographical location of the parking areas: the Med Line and the Core Line. The co-financing will cover 30% of the total cost of each project, up to a maximum of one million euros per intervention. The actual tender will be released in September, but the document already outlines some specifics.
The Med Line includes projects located along specific geographical routes, including: Calabria along the A2 route; Campania, in the southern part of the region, also along the A2; Lazio, along the A1 between Colleferro and Marcianise; Basilicata, along the Bari-Potenza-Salerno route; the A1 route between Lazio, Umbria, and Tuscany; the Adriatic A14 route between Marche and Emilia-Romagna; Liguria, along the A10 route. The Core Line is intended for projects located on the core or extended core network or in proximity, excluding areas already considered in the Med Line.
Eligible interventions for co-financing include: the creation of new safe and secure parking areas in Italy at the Bronze level (Esporg classification) on free or non-compliant areas; upgrading existing areas to achieve a higher level in the Esporg classification; upgrading existing areas while maintaining the current Esporg classification level with the addition of at least thirty stalls.
Applicants must specify the chosen funding line and type of intervention in their application. A minimum level of technical-economic feasibility design, as defined in Article 41 of Legislative Decree No. 36/2023, is required. A selection committee will evaluate the applications to compile a ranking of eligible projects and the corresponding fundable amounts. All communications regarding the procedure will be published on the official website of the National Register of Truckers and on the portals of the in-house companies of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, Sogesid, and Ram.