The year 2025 begins with two significant developments for the Lithuanian transport giant Girteka: the expansion of its freight brokerage operations and the inauguration of a dispatch office in Warsaw. The company explains that the brokerage expansion aligns with its strategy to diversify service offerings and enhance customer value. This approach is centred on two key priorities: improving operations and driving market growth. "By integrating brokerage with our asset-based operations, we can manage surplus demand, create a buffer against market fluctuations, and ensure greater flexibility in meeting customer needs," said Angel Kalinov, who has been appointed to lead this division. "At the same time, we are accelerating growth in the curtain-sided vehicles segment through strategic subcontracting, aiming to strengthen our market presence and increase profitability while creating synergies with our refrigerated transport operations."
Kalinov brings extensive experience in the transport industry across North America and Europe. Before joining Girteka, he served as Regional General Manager at C.H. Robinson, specialising in transport and logistics. "Angel’s exceptional leadership and technological expertise will be instrumental in the expansion of our brokerage operations," said Nikolay Pargov, Chief Operating Officer of Girteka Group. "His ability to connect with teams and deliver outstanding results aligns perfectly with our vision of a sustainable, customer-focused brokerage product."
The opening of the new dispatch office in Warsaw marks a significant step for Girteka. Located at the heart of European logistics, Poland is a cornerstone of the sector, with Polish carriers handling over 20% of Europe's freight transport. The choice of Poland’s capital is deliberate: Warsaw boasts a vast pool of skilled professionals in brokerage and logistics, enabling Girteka to tap into a highly qualified workforce. Warsaw will join Girteka's other strategic hubs, including Vilnius and Tbilisi, as well as key operational bases in Poland, such as Sady near Poznań and the ClassTrucks sales centre in Rawa Mazowiecka. By integrating operations between Vilnius and Warsaw, Girteka aims to combine local expertise with its brokerage platform, delivering seamless and efficient transport solutions.