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Podcast K44




  • Frena la discesa dei noli container tra Asia ed Europa

    Frena la discesa dei noli container tra Asia ed Europa

    Marzo 2025 è iniziato inizia con un brusco rallentamento nella discesa dei noli container tra Cina ed Europa che ha caratterizzato le prime settimane dell’anno. E quelli tra Shanghai e Rotterdam perfino aumentano del due percento. In rosso le tariffe trans-pacifiche.


    MSC reiterates interest in Livorno container terminal

    MSC has reaffirmed its interest in operating the Darsena Europa terminal. Luciano Guerrieri, President of the Northern Tyrrhenian Port Authority, stated that the Authority had received a formal proposal from the consortium, which includes the Aponte family’s MSC Group, alongside Fratelli Neri and Lorenzini. In their submission, the three companies requested detailed information about the project to evaluate a potential concession agreement.

    Guerrieri added that he would meet with representatives of the consortium in the coming days to provide the requested details. Meanwhile, the Port Authority is expected to approve the final project plan, submitted at the end of 2024, and construction of the public infrastructure is slated to begin by the first quarter of 2025. However, a significant hurdle remains unresolved: Italy’s Competition Authority has previously blocked MSC’s involvement in the Port of Livorno. The regulatory body prevented MSC from acquiring the existing container terminal (Darsena Toscana) due to concerns over market concentration in container terminal operations in the Northern Tyrrhenian region.

    The Darsena Europa project is expected to proceed in several phases. The initial phase focuses on constructing the breakwaters, which were scheduled to commence in 2024 but have faced delays due to technical assessments and the need to finalise a monitoring plan with ARPAT, Tuscany’s environmental protection agency. By 2025, the first 80,000 square metres of land reclamation should be stabilised, along with the start of public works. In 2026, the consolidation of the first reclamation basin is expected to be completed, and the rail link to the Amerigo Vespucci intermodal hub should become operational.

    The complete Darsena Europa project includes not only a container terminal but also facilities for ro-ro and ro-pax traffic. The new infrastructure is designed to feature three kilometres of quays, two terminals, and two million square metres of onshore space. According to the original timeline, the entire project is scheduled for completion by 2028.

    Fratelli Neri, established in 1895 in Livorno, is a maritime services provider. The company offers a comprehensive suite of services, including harbor towage, offshore terminal assistance, salvage operations, oil spill response, and the storage and handling of chemical products. Operating a fleet of over 40 vessels and employing approximately 300 personnel, Fratelli Neri maintains significant onshore facilities, such as chemical terminals and warehouses. The company is entirely owned by the Neri family, whose maritime heritage in Livorno dates back to the 18th century.

    The firm has expanded its operations through various affiliated entities, including NERI Depositi Costieri, founded in 1951 and dedicated to the storage and handling of bulk products, and Sintermar, a terminal specializing in containers and automobiles. Additionally, Fratelli Neri holds a stake in Labromare, recognized as a center of excellence in Italy for the collection, treatment, and disposal of ship-generated waste. In recent years, Fratelli Neri has reported significant financial performance, with a revenue of €44.35 million in 2023, marking a 44.54% increase from the previous year. The company also reported a net profit of €7.19 million in the same year, reflecting a substantial growth of 178.74% compared to 2022.

    Lorenzini & C, established in 1979 by Enio Lorenzini and Ugo Grifoni, operates a multipurpose terminal in the Port of Livorno. The terminal spans over 120,000 square meters, a notable increase from the initial 1,000 square meters in 1985. Lorenzini's equipment fleet includes mobile cranes, RTGs, forklifts, and reach stackers, facilitating efficient handling of various cargo types, including containers, general cargo, and project cargo. The company serves a diverse clientele, including major international shipping lines such as MSC, Maersk, and CMA CGM. In 2014, the company strengthened its corporate structure through a partnership with MSC. Lorenzini reported a revenue of €25.44 million in 2023, marking a 4% increase from the previous year, and a net profit of €3.27 million, an 82% rise compared to 2022.

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Videocast K44



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