A serious harassment case has shaken the Danish haulage sector following allegations made by an employee of the small transport company Fragtkompagniet. The firm previously operated as a subcontractor for Danske Fragtmænd, one of the leading logistics and transport companies in Denmark. Danske Fragtmænd relies heavily on an extensive network of subcontractors, enabling it to handle nearly ten million shipments annually for around 40,000 customers. The gravity of the allegations has brought considerable media attention across Denmark.
The former employee accused the company's owner, Ümüt Harc, of severe insults and psychological mistreatment, incidents she documented by recording them as evidence. Speaking to local media, the woman explained: "I wanted to ensure I had solid evidence in case a legal situation arose, or if I needed to defend myself. I also wanted to warn others about him, especially if another girl or woman was hired."
The psychological pressure eventually became unbearable, prompting the woman to take sick leave. Shortly after her leave ended, she received a termination letter, concluding her one-and-a-half-year employment with the firm. Though these events date back to 2024, details only emerged publicly at the beginning of March 2025. The revelations compelled Danske Fragtmænd to act swiftly, severing all ties with Ümüt Harc and his company.
Danske Fragtmænd subsequently issued a formal apology through its official website, acknowledging delays in addressing the situation due to contractual and bureaucratic constraints. The company also expressed willingness to directly employ all remaining Fragtkompagniet staff. Ümüt Harc, who also owns an investment firm, has so far declined to comment or meet with the media.
Marco Martinelli