Following the significant drop in average spot rates for container shipping recorded between 6 and 13 March 2025, the negative trend persisted in the subsequent week, albeit at a slower pace. According to Drewry’s latest World Container Index, published on 20 March, the slowdown was particularly evident on routes between Asia and Europe. The Shanghai to Genoa route saw a weekly decline of 1%, bringing freight rates down to $3,286 per FEU, while the Shanghai to Rotterdam route experienced a 2% decrease, settling at $2,463. In the reverse direction, rates for a 40-foot container decreased by 1% to $484. A similar trend was observed in transatlantic shipments, with a 2% drop (to $2,160 per FEU) from Rotterdam to New York, and a 1% decrease (to $846) on the return route.
Across the Pacific, the decline in spot rates was more pronounced. Shipping a 40-foot container from Shanghai to Los Angeles fell by 9% over the week, reaching $2,658 per FEU (rates remained unchanged at $702 in the reverse direction), while rates from Shanghai to New York decreased by 7% to $3,374 per FEU. Drewry forecasts that the decline in rates will continue gradually over the coming weeks.