Friday, 29th November 2024, also known as Black Friday, will be particularly bleak in Italy for the transport of goods and passengers, as well as logistics, due to strikes called by several unions. Although the reasons and methods differ between them, both strikes are widespread and nationwide, likely causing significant disruption to movement and storage operations. The two major unions, Filt Cgil and Uiltrasporti, are protesting against the Government's economic policy with a strike covering an entire shift, with the exception of the railway sector.
In the transport sector, the strike will affect local public transport (eight hours, despite the Minister's decree reducing it to four), several airports throughout the day, motorways (spanning the night of 28th and 29th November), and maritime transport for a full 24 hours. The strike by grassroots unions (Cobas Lavoro Privato, Cub, Sgb, Adl Cobas, and Cub Trasporti) also targets Government economic policies, in addition to planned cuts to education and concerns over differentiated regional autonomy. This strike will last 24 hours, starting at 9 pm on 28th November and ending at 9 pm the following day.