The national strike of port workers, called by Filt Cgil, Fit Cisl, and Uiltrasporti for July 4 and 5, 2024, remains in place. With no progress in the negotiations for the renewal of the national contract, which expired in December 2023, the second sector-wide stoppage will occur, following a previous four-day strike from April 2 to 5. The work stoppage will begin at midnight on July 3 and will affect both operational and administrative functions of companies that apply the National Collective Bargaining Agreement for Ports.
Filt Cgil of Genoa has announced that at 4 a.m. on July 4, a protest will begin at all port gates (Psa G.P; Varco di Ponente; Ponte Etiopia; Varco San Benigno/Albertazzi/Passo nuovo), and on July 5, a general assembly of all workers will be held at Ponte Etiopia. The unions are demanding wage increases to recover the purchasing power lost due to inflation.